
Installing with Conda

To install with geopandas run:

conda install -c conda-forge allagash geopandas

To install with arcgis run:

conda install -c conda-forge -c esri allagash arcgis

To install without a spatial library run:

conda install -c conda-forge allagash

Installing with Pip

To install with geopandas run:

pip install allagash[geopandas]

To install with arcgis run:

pip install allagash[arcgis]

To install without a spatial library run:

pip install allagash

Installing with Docker

A docker image has been provided which contains the GLPK solver, COIN OR CBC solver, Python, Allagash and any other required dependencies. You can launch a Jupyter notebook by running:

docker pull apulverizer/allagash:latest
docker run -i -t --user=allagash -p 8888:8888 apulverizer/allagash:latest /bin/bash -c "jupyter notebook --ip='*' --port=8888 --no-browser"

Installing locally

  1. Clone the repo

git clone
  1. Create the conda environment

conda env create --file environment.yml
  1. Activate the new environment

conda activate allagash
  1. Install allagash locally

pip install -e ./src --no-deps
  1. Install a solver that is supported by Pulp

  2. Launch jupyter notebook

jupyter notebook