Getting Started
Location Set Covering Problem (LSCP)
Maximum Covering Location Problem (MCLP)
Backup Covering Location Problem (BCLP)
Using ArcGIS
Location Set Covering Problem (LSCP)
Maximum Coverage Location Problem (MCLP)
Backup Coverage Location Problem (BCLP)
API Reference
allagash.coverage module
allagash.problem module
Edit on GitHub
Location Set Covering Problem (LSCP)
Import the required modules
Load the data
Plot the data
Create the coverage
Create the problem
Solve the problem
Plot the selected locations
Find the total number of locations required
Maximum Covering Location Problem (MCLP)
Import the required modules
Load the data
Plot the data
Create the coverage
Create the problem
Solve the problem
Plot the selected locations
Find the total demand that is covered
Find total number of facilities
Backup Covering Location Problem (BCLP)
Import the required modules
Load the data
Plot the data
Create the coverage
Create the problem
Solve the problem
Plot the selected locations
Find the total demand that is covered
Find the demand that is provided backup coverage
Find total number of facilities
Using ArcGIS
Import the ArcGIS API for Python and other packages
Load the data into spatially enabled dataframes
Plot the data
Create the coverage
Create the problem
Solve the problem
Plot the selected locations
Find the total number of locations required